Saturday, April 12, 2014

Privatization of B.C. Services

I am a VERY ANGRY MALE who has had 3 of OUR children stolen into their mothers "sole custody" and 1 commit suicide at age 14 because of the B.C.Government blatant intransigence and gender discrimination against heterosexual males, fathers and OUR children. I have been falsely convicted because of the mothers perjury as coached, aided and abetted by the Femnazi bunkers; Haven House in Nanaimo and Somenos House in Duncan B.C. In order to get B. C.Disability Benefits I had to agree to take early retirement, when I turned 60, onto my Canada Pension Plan that I had paid into for 45 years but had already been divided to two of my ex-wives! When I turned 60, B.C. Disability reduced my income by the $232 I was supposed to be getting from CPP AND the disgusting B.C. Family Maintenance Extortion Plan as set up by former Privatizing Premier Gordon Campbell turned over to the CROOKS at Maximus Inc. Maximus took the $232 beginning September 2007 that I was supposed to get from my Federal government pension! I finally BEAT the B.C. FMEP CROOKS on May 18, 2011 and was told by the judge, if I want my money back, get it from the mother, who had remarried and was now receiving a WIDOWS pension! Maria Lea of Comox laughed in my face, and put Christopher and Tina Rivera Slater out to work! Tina committed suicide on October 11, 2011 and I have another daughter, Sarah Joy Slater who has been ABDUCTED to Bremerton, WA, in spite of a Provincial Court of B.C. ORDER. The B.C. Attorney General Ministry has REFUSED to help me get Sarah back to Canada, the place of her birth, under the Hague Convention for Children. Twice I have been made HOMELESS and lost my employment at in Duncan because of Ms. Mannerin, a Residential Tenancy Office officer's BLATANT discrimination and illegal actions against me. Ms. Mannerin’s second flawed and illegal decision in Nanaimo led to my heart attack and stroke.  Now because I'm a pensioner subsisting on federal largesse, Maximus Inc., administrators of Medical Services Plan of B.C. are refusing to fix my teeth. People, I believe there is a God and in the end, He will judge all, but in the meantime I want the services I’ve paid for! I’m sorry for all the single mothers who’ve so foolishly put their faith in B.C. Government Ministries.

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