Monday, May 11, 2015

JVI-Revelation Rumblings

JVI-Revelation Rumblings


Published on Feb 11, 2015
15 amazing biblical signs that prove this generation is the one that
will see the Lord Jesus returning in the clouds! Drs. Jack and Rexella
Van Impe use current events, Bible prophecy, scientific facts and more
to show you the answers to critical questions such as:

-Is Mark of the Beast technology going to be globally deployed by the year 2017?

-Why are Russia and China conducting joint military maneuvers - and why is Iran cozying up to China?

is deceiving President Obama right now - and how does his role as
"peacemaker" for Muslim nations signal the rise of the Antichrist?

-What world leaders are calling for global Islamic law - and where is it actually predicted in Bible prophecy?

-Will our enemies attack North America with nuclear bombs?

-and much more!

This is a powerful teaching for believers and will show non-believers the truth of the soon return of Jesus!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Goodbye D, not my flavour.


Hello D,
Sorry for not writing sooner, but I've been praying about us. I cannot reconcile my belief in a triune God ( with your "New Age" beliefs.

I truly believe had it not been for some friends who shared to me to try Jesus before suicide I would be dead today. Jesus Christ is my best friend, Lord and Saviour and we wish you the best in finding the one for you, but as for me, there is no turning back. Have you ever looked into my ministries; Your Eternal Life and
Sabbath Night Bible Studies? 
If you should ever feel a need, please look us up?
With love,
Chris J. Slater, Nanaimo


Attachments11:56 AM (5 hours ago)

to me
Wow! So here I stand, among the digital masses. See, Chris? We're not so different after all. Here I stand, surrounded by people who've met on-line, People who've loved and lost, and people who are found, and somehow, in a desperate world, found each other.

So what do I say that hasn't already been written, or been already said? Hmmm, pretty tough! Okay... try this: I no longer need to hope for love by going to clubs, (y'know I can't dance!) supermarkets, church socials, by passing notes in class as a kid, or instant messages as an adult. I don't have to search for love, in ads, on the internet, in chat rooms, text messages, camera phones, faxes, and e-mails. I don't have to wait for good and bad feedback, have to need a good laugh, wait to talk, be told to shut up, look for hope, pray for a miracle, wait for an angel, see hope for God's love here on earth, wish for a special friend, crave for love's passion, envy other's romance or wonder if someone will ever love me. You're here; I'm done. 

Love always

Chris J. Slater <>

Attachments5:01 PM (27 minutes ago)

Dearest D.

I believe we're winners for trying to find whatever we feel we need and want to have in our lives today. Don't give up, you're that much closer to the yes you desire.

It's not a rejection of you so much as I believe we're not in the same place spiritually. I'm a non-denominational, Spirit filled, Bible believing follower of Jesus and you follow "New Age" teachings and I know that never the twain shall meet.

I think I understand as from age 17 when I walked out of my parents Anglican church to 48 when I met Jesus Christ, by degrees I considered myself an atheist, an agnostic and finally in desperation was willing to try Jesus. It was then I came under some of the worst attacks from religious demons and in the flesh who wanted me for their religion and willing to be under their religious authority. (As well as giving my money to them. ;^)

Fact is Jesus set me free, but people wanted me for "their" religions. Those religious fools at Calvary Baptist Church in Chemainus, B.C., 3 weeks after my wife Helen almost died of a postpartum hemorrhage, sent a social worker and an RCMP officer to take our baby Sarah away, had me arrested and found guilty of a crime I never did of assaulting my wife (no medical evidence, because there was none) so I lost my three youngest children to my exes, their fraud, false witness women's shelter "friends" who coached them how to "win" possession of our children until they turned 19. So I not only lost my families I lost my wealth and health. As Jesus said , "It is hard to kick against the pricks".
I'm a lover, not a fighter, anyone wants to find me, in quotations, "Together WE can prevent violence against PEOPLE". or click quick link:

Sorry for initially mistaking how far apart we are. Please forgive me? But congratulations for trying or should we be like Mary Jones?

Here lie the bones of Mary Jones;
Her life held no terrors.
A virgin born,
A virgin died,
No hits, no runs, no errors.

(Funny when I Googled this the last verse reads, "no heirs".)
With love,
Chris J Slater, Nanaimo

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Parental Alienation in Family Court

Conversation opened. 1 unread message.
Saving to Drive - Move to:

Sunday, May 11, 2014



Boko Haram: Congregation of the People of Tradition for Proselytism and Jihad, Participant in the Nigerian Sharia conflict 

WHY are men and boys disposable? 

These Boko Haram murderers in September 2013 at the College of Agriculture in Gujba MURDERED 40 MALE students .[99] 

Then on 14 January 2014, At least 31 people killed, over 50 people injured by suicide bombing in Maiduguri, Borno State.[100] 

16 February 2014 Izghe massacre: 106 villagers are killed.[101] 

25 February 2014 Federal Government College attack: Fury at military over Yobe deaths. At least 29 teenage BOYS dead at Federal Government College Buni Yadi.[102] 

14 April 2014 2014 Chibok kidnapping: Government properties, including the only girls' secondary school, attacked. At least 16 killed or missing, and 234 female students kidnapped. Source:

Why does it take the kidnapping of girls (not to make light of this evil) and not the MURDER of boys and men to wake people up to the EVIL of Jihad? 

This is horrible, but around the world MEN are being demonized, their children STOLEN by false and malicious perjury by those who are called to provide for and protect them: MEN; their partners, wives and girlfriends are foolishly believing the way to equality is to take it away from men and throw them to MAXIMUS INC. 

These privatizing for PROFIT CROOKS make kickbacks and PAYOFFS to their politician friends.

July 2007- MAXIMUS settled a lawsuit brought against it by the United States government for involvement in falsifying Medicaid claims for $30.5 million.[72]

Maximus Inc., trademarked as MAXIMUS, is an American for-profit privatizing company that provides business process services to government health and human services agencies in the United States, Austtralia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom. MAXIMUS focuses on administering government-sponsored programs, such as Medicaid, the Children’'s Health Insurance Program, health care reform, welfare-to-work, Medicare, child support enforcement, and other government programs. The company is based in Reston, Virginia, has 8,657 employees, and reported annual revenue of $1.05 billion in fiscal year 2012.[2]

December 1998- The Sarasota Herald Tribune reported that the State of Florida had paid MAXIMUS $4.5 Million for a Child Support Recovery contract. MAXIMUS was only able to collect $162,000. "On average taxpayers paid MAXIMUS $25 for every 3 cents collected".[67]

In British Columbia Canada, Maximus Canada administers two programs: B.C. Family Maintenance Extortion Program (B. C. FMEP) and B.C. Medical Services plan. 

I, Chris J. Slater,  BEAT Maximus on May 18, 2011 in Nanaimo Provincial Court of B.C..    FMEP had been STEALING my Persons With Disability Benefits (BC PWD) and CPP (Canada Pension Plan) benefits ever since I turned 60 on September, 2007. When the judge found for me, I asked her to order Maximus INC. to return my monies, which led to a hasty discussion with the FMEP lawyer who reminded the Judge that Maximus has a sweetheart deal with the B.C. Government THEY ARE NOT LIABLE for being CROOKS! I was told I would have to get the monies back from the recipient, my ex-wife Maria Belen Batoon (Lea) of Comox B.C. I tried to do so; Maria laughed in my face and put our children Christopher and Christina Slater out to WORK. I believe this led to Tina's suicide on October 11, 2011.

Tina was one of three children their mothers, the courts, the Government of B.C. and "womens shelters" on Vancouver Island have connived and colluded to steal my children and send me the bill! And throughout the world that Maximus operates, this is the way. They are TRAINING and helping women to commit fraud and theft. 

Together we can prevent violence against PEOPLE! 
Chris J. Slater

Monday, April 21, 2014

Exposing the Maintenance Enforcement Programs

The Maintenance Enforcement Project

Exposing the Maintenance Enforcement Programs in BC, Alberta and elsewhere…