Monday, May 11, 2015

JVI-Revelation Rumblings

JVI-Revelation Rumblings


Published on Feb 11, 2015
15 amazing biblical signs that prove this generation is the one that
will see the Lord Jesus returning in the clouds! Drs. Jack and Rexella
Van Impe use current events, Bible prophecy, scientific facts and more
to show you the answers to critical questions such as:

-Is Mark of the Beast technology going to be globally deployed by the year 2017?

-Why are Russia and China conducting joint military maneuvers - and why is Iran cozying up to China?

is deceiving President Obama right now - and how does his role as
"peacemaker" for Muslim nations signal the rise of the Antichrist?

-What world leaders are calling for global Islamic law - and where is it actually predicted in Bible prophecy?

-Will our enemies attack North America with nuclear bombs?

-and much more!

This is a powerful teaching for believers and will show non-believers the truth of the soon return of Jesus!